
Who's Watching the Children 2.0 CAT

Time limit: 30 days
2 credits


Full course description

How would you rate the quality of supervision in your early care program? Supervision in group settings is serious business! A minor oversite in supervision practices can be a matter of life or death for a child. According to Child Care Aware of America, children spend on average, 36 hours a week in child care. High quality supervision and basic safety practices take into consideration that every decision counts and that basic safety practices are woven into all experiences. Let's explore what it takes to make your supervision and safety practices top notch!

Cost: Free

Funded By: DHR

Training Level: Intermediate

Target Age Group: ALL

Training Hours: 2

CEUs Offered: Yes

DHR Categories: HSUP

CDA Categories: 1

CKA Categories: HSN

CCDF Categories: 5

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